Why are some heart and soul centred facilitators able to honour their calling and achieve breakthroughs and impact
while others struggle to even start and feel stuck in their 9-5 J.O.B (Just On Broke)?
Why do some people go on to create meaningful impact and help transform lives....
While most struggle to believe that they don't have what it takes?
Based on my ten years of experience assisting thousands of people from the stage, online, and at retreats, as well as consistently growing my business to multiple six figures, you will discover and understand what distinguishes those who
take the leap and thrive from those who simply choose to stay put and survive.
I can tell you it is not about jumping from one course to another.
I can also tell you it is not about filling up your wall or LinkedIn profile full of different certificates.
So... if you are someone thinking that this might be a quick fix to make you a quick buck, then this program is not for you.
If you believe you have it all figured out and are not open to discovering more about yourself, then this program is not for you.
If you are the type of person who likes the status quo and doesn't want to do the work to lead a more fulfilling and balanced life and business, then you are in the wrong place!
If you're actually serious about stepping up and out of your comfort zone to start something meaningful, you have a choice to make right now.
You can stay right where you are and continue to have the same results OR...
You can read on and finally discover and tap into the powerful tools that propel heart-centred and soul-led facilitators to success and lasting impact.
So... if you are the type of person that is open to a new way of thinking and looking at life and business, and if you are finally ready to step up and honour the deeper calling inside of yourself...
let's continue...

Join the Soul Reboot - Inna Powa Program waitlist!
Be the first to find out when the doors officially open.

I am known for the E.E.S. Method and the Inna Powa Program for emerging and established heart-centred and soul-led facilitators, and also host the Inna Powa podcast.
I am known as the go-to Energetic Empowerment coach who helps emerging and established facilitators transition from self-doubt and fear to inspired and empowered so that you can change your life and the lives of others for the better!
Do you have a calling to do more with your life or with your clients or business? Perhaps you are a person with experience or a message that you want to share with the world but are unsure how. Well, you're going to discover the tools and strategies that will help you achieve just that.
After completing this program, you will have the tools and support you need to move forward in your life and business with confidence, clarity, passion, purpose, and direction, so you can help change people’s lives and leave an everlasting impact.

When I was thinking about what I could say, words escaped me. I had such a deep impact from not only Peter but the people that were in the group.
So I think when you're a student and you're ready, the teacher appears. And that's exactly what happened to me in Inna Powa. To have Peter truly have your back and understand the person that you are, it makes you want to accelerate to the next level.
It was through laughter, tears, and frustrations that Peter gets you through with compassion, understanding, and patience and really wants us to succeed.Â
When he says he's always in your corner, you better believe it. He really is!
I found that once the tap of inspiration and alignment had been turned on, there was no looking back.
If you want profound personal growth and a life-changing experience, then do yourself a favour and sign up for the Inna Powa Program now. You won't be disappointed.
-Â Emma Pointon
You can listen to Emma tell her absolutely beautiful story on the Inna Powa Podcast (Episode 21 & 22). She is raw, open, honest and vulnerable and her story is so inspiring that I wanted to share it here with you.

How do I describe the past few weeks and my experience?
I have been on a journey of discovery; like many over the past few years, we have all had various situations and circumstances impact us. I had reached a time whereby I needed to reach into my soul, and the first person who came to mind was Peter Williams.
This journey has been so revealing, and as I took the deep dive into my soul, allowing myself to be vulnerable in a safe and supportive environment, I found the space I was hungry for.
I am so grateful to Pete for being there when the Universe gave me the calling; you truly are a blessing, with amazing energy.Â
If you are even slightly thinking about jumping on this program, know Pete will allow you space and support to find you.
I cannot recommend enough. Give yourself a gift.Â
-Â Em Crooks
Hear Em talk about her journey, how she knew she had to change her life when she felt as thought she was losing herself. Listen to Em on the Inna Powa Podcast (Episode 25) tell us about her amazing transformation.

I was lost, totally lost, at a point in my life where I would go to work, earn money, come home, eat, and sleep. And I just thought, honestly, what am I doing here? Why am I here? And it was getting really depressing; it was a pretty dark place to go.
I saw the advertisement for the Inna Powa program. And Peter was asking, What are you doing here? What's your purpose? That was exactly what I wanted to know. So I jumped on board, with no idea what to expect. But I'm an absolutely totally different person now.
It hasn't happened in a hurry, but I finally had that mic drop moment of there it is! Since that moment, the things that have happened in my life are just unbelievable.
I am so confident that I'm going to be a success now since completing the program; there are no worries about it, and that is so clear in my mind.
My advice is to never give up and dig deep within yourself.
- Jane Musgrave
Jane's story on the Inna Powa Podcast (Episode 42) highlights her journey to inspiring others and pursuing her goals. A reminder to embrace your Inna Powa and believe in your ability to transform your life.
Despite how many courses and information are out there already, most people are struggling to get themselves 'out there’, to start or stay in the game. So, with the amount of information and 'how to' programs available, why do some breakthrough and succeed while others don't?
Is it a business blueprint alone that will take you from 'starting out’ to being successful? Perhaps that quick hack of having it all done for you ensures your success? You most likely have seen people try these things, and yet they are in the same position as when they started. Then they will simply find another one to try.
Simply jumping into these done-for-you programs is like Goldilocks jumping from bed to bed without knowing why or which bed would be perfect. We know there are plenty of comfortable beds available, but how can we determine which one is best for you? We know there is the perfect one out there for you, and imagine if you knew every day that you would wake up rested, recharged, and ready to take on the world.
This is when people start to think they don't have the time or money to find that perfect bed.

Here is the thing: if you knew that you could have the time and any money to ensure you woke up that way, would you go for it?
Of course, you would! Then if you don't start focusing on the things that will get you there, you will stay exactly where you are, coming up with excuses as to why you're not living your best life.
The fact is that if you never take the time to make the change, that change will never come. And if you don't start listening to yourself, you will end up stressed, anxious, overwhelmed, and burned out.
It sucks and I was there myself. I was trying to support my family but not being able to afford a holiday, struggling to put food on the table, and was so stressed about money that I would get anxious every time I went to look at our credit card balance as it was always maxed out. I stayed stuck in this Groundhog Day for 3 years and it wasn't until I started listening to myself, changed my thinking, and started focusing on what I really wanted that everything changed.

Once I had made that shift, a shift you can make too, my world opened up; I was happier, and I was being a better partner and father. I had turned my passion for energetics and spirituality into a multiple six-figure business helping people one-on-one and by speaking to hundreds of people from the stage. Despite not knowing or having a following, no fancy certifications to my name, and never having considered myself an entrepreneur or business owner, I still followed my passion and made my dream life a reality.
Today, I do for others what I was able to do for myself.
By the time you work through this program, you will have tools and support to help you move forward in your life and business with confidence, clarity, passion, purpose, and direction. I will introduce you to the tools and energetic practices that I use that helped me break out of Groundhog Day and into a world that I create on my own terms.
So do you want to know what allows successful, heart-centred, and soul-led facilitators to become and stay successful?
It's because they have raised their emotional and energetic sensitivity to be able to identify their visions and attune to their frequency. Thus giving them the clarity and motivation to get up every day and take the actions needed to have breakthroughs in their life and business.
And I get it, you might be thinking I want to try something, but I don't know where to begin or how to start?
Or who am I to go ahead and do these things?
Well, do you believe everyone started out knowing everything and being successful?
The question is, are you going to break free of the cycles with or without being connected to emotions, energy and vision?
So… You can keep going on living your day-to-day wishing and hoping for it to improve, or you can take the time to connect with yourself to really discover your vision and work out what is holding you back.

Write down all the things you are doing in your career. (eg: the duties, roles and responsibilities).
- When you look at them, how do they make you feel?
- Excited?
- Blessed that you have the job and do the work you do?
Perhaps it simply causes you stress just thinking about it.
- What things are working for you and what things are not?
- Do you feel empowered or disempowered?
Simply by looking at these things, it will give you clues as to whether you are living your best life.
Click below to access a worksheet to aid in your thought process.

Stand in front of the mirror and stare into one eye only.
While looking at this eye, say these 3 affirmations out loud, over and over for a 5 min period. Say them with emotion and intention.
I am loved. I am worthy. I am enough.
Take note of which eye you looked into and if it happened to change throughout the exercise.
Take note of how you felt while doing it.
Could you last the whole 5 mins? Or did you stop early?
Did you struggle with any of the words you were saying?
Click below to access your free worksheet to help guide you.
 Finished the quiz and exercises... then you will know that increasing your EES is important to gain clarity and achieve breakthroughs in your life and business. And now, at this point, you are most likely wondering, how do you do this?
What are the steps you need to make this happen?
Well, the good news is that this is exactly what we are going to do in this program together. In fact, by the end of this program, you will walk away with the four pieces of the puzzle that make this possible, plus the tools you require to make sure you raise your EES, gain clarity in the vision, and eliminate self-doubt. Failure to even implement one of these pieces can keep you stuck in that same old holding pattern you want to get out of. So it's time to pay attention, as we have a lot to cover.
Let's get into the four pieces of the puzzle...
What if I told you that your energetic body holds the key to identifying what is holding you back and where your power zone is?
In the first piece of the puzzle, you will master the art of navigating your energetic body by working with the 'ALIGNMENT COMPASS'.
This allows you to work through and experience firsthand what thoughts and feelings are coming into your energetic field, whether they are past, present, or future-based, and understand how they are affecting you so that you can minimise your doubt, fear, and procrastination as you build your business.
Show me one successful facilitator/person who does not do their best to minimise doubt and fear. In fact, successful facilitators understand the importance and power of making quick and confident decisions. Failing to understand how and where your thoughts and emotions are affecting your energetic body can and will lead to indecisiveness, stalling, or worse yet, a decrease in growth, revenue, and impact.
To work with the alignment compass, we start by working out your P.P.D. - Passion, Purpose, and Direction.
Your PASSION is the part that comes easy to you and acts as the fuel for you moving forward. Your PURPOSE helps us to identify the reason why you embarked on this journey to begin with. The final piece is DIRECTION, as we need to know where we are heading. You might be thinking that you would like to know – what these are for you and that is why we take the time in Inna Powa to uncover these elements.
In fact, by going through the process, Emma Pointon, an Inna Powa Alumni, uncovered the power and passion in her connection to 'Joy' and has taken the bold steps of starting her first-ever podcast!
Now if our energetic body contains and retains information about our power zone + blocks, how do you access this vital information?
This is the second pillar of the Inna Powa program, where we develop and raise your emotional + energetic sensitivity (EES). Throughout this section of the program, we use simple and effective Thought Pausing Techniques (TPT) that automatically moves your focus away from thoughts in your head and brings your awareness to your body's emotion and energy so that you can feel, locate, understand, and begin to release any hotspots, resistance, or blockages.
It's not a matter of knowing that you are stuck, procrastinating, or afraid of moving forward; it's a matter of working through and releasing the energy that is making you feel this way. Failing to increase your EES keeps you in the same thought patterns of self-doubt and low self-worth, which severely inhibits, if not stops you from achieving something meaningful.
Throughout this section, we use a version of somatic techniques that connect your breath, mindfulness, and nervous system to increase your EES. These simple and powerful techniques can help heal on a cellular level and assist the nervous system in getting out of "stuck" mode.Â
Inside the Inna Powa Program not only do we explore these techniques, but you will experience them firsthand. This is so you can have and use them whenever you need to keep your momentum in business and life.
That you have a greater calling than simply doing the 9-5 and going to the J.O.B. (just on broke), but just don't know what and how to change it?
Enter puzzle piece #3Â - The Gift Within.
This is the part of the Inna Powa Program where we really start the digging. It is only after working through the first two pieces that we can begin to really figure out and understand what makes you tick. Better yet, you will start to realise firsthand what really inspires you, drives you, and lights you up so that you can wake up and show up in all areas of your life and business with passion, determination, and grace.
Show me an inspirational and successful heart-centred and soul-led facilitator who has a large social media following that has not found their reason to start something, give it a go, and inspire others to do the same?
Failing to work out and discover the link between you and your why will only end up creating another JOB for yourself where you feel flat, tired, drained, and unmotivated. That's why in this part of the program we place yourself under the microscope (in a good way) so we can examine all the qualities and experiences that can shape your why, plus identify any positive energetic markers or shifts.
Take Liz Swain, another Inna Powa Alumni. Liz has always been drawn to help people, and before embarking on the Inna Powa program, she was working in the disability sector. While she enjoyed it most days, she felt her energy and passion wain, which started leading to tiredness and stress. This was making it harder for her to show up 100% for the people she had to support. Liz identified that she wasn't happy and this was a downward spiral. It was during this part of the program that provided Liz with the space and support to examine what truly inspires her and how she wanted to help and support others. Within a week, Liz was signed up for her new training and has almost completed her training, stating that she is the happiest she has been in a long time! And getting ready to start her own business to boot!
Would you like to be able to stay positive, inspired and have work feel easy and stress-free while attracting the best clients possible?
Well, the details on how to start achieving this are explained in the fourth puzzle piece - Setting the Impact Frequency. At this point in the program, we bring all the pieces together and work through specific ways in which you attune to the energy of your vision and maintain it so that you can work, operate, and be of service to your clients in the best way possible.
Do you ever see people that just seem to have high vibes with oodles of confidence, energy and seem to cruise along with minimal drama, while other people struggle to get through?
Show me a person or a facilitator who wouldn't want to be the former.
In fact, not understanding this simple fact will leave you more vulnerable to feeling extreme mood swings when things don't go according to plan. You will find it harder to be motivated, be confident, and move forward. That is the reason that we use tools that tap into your energy and subconscious that allow you to truly know the feeling—this positive, high-vibing state—and how to use it and maintain it.
That's why this is the final piece of the puzzle and we spend so much time covering it inside the Inna Powa Program.
â–¶ Are you going to be the person who settles for mediocrity or strives to embrace their calling?
â–¶ Are you going to be the person who plays the victim or takes responsibility?
â–¶ Are you going to be the person who stays stuck and unmotivated or the person who creates change in their life?
â–¶ Are you going to be the person who makes choices out of fear, suffers self-doubt, or be a person who wants to be confident and proactive?
â–¶ Are you going to be the person who purchases another program that can help you change your life only to do nothing with it or be the person who will commit to doing the work?
And if that's you... then I'm ready and waiting for you on the other side of the door inside my Inna Powa program...
Inside the Inna Powa Program, I simply walk you through my step-by-step guide to raising your EES, identifying and releasing energetic resistance for a greater sense of trust, clarity, and purpose in your life, work, and business. Giving you all the tools to attune to yourself, your purpose, your vision, and stepping into that power and version of yourself so that you can achieve the breakthroughs and the impact you desire now.
My students said it better than I could... ▼

I wasn't sure what I was getting myself into when I signed up for the Inna Powa Program, but I knew that it was something important, something big, something that was going to be good for me. And, it proved to be exactly that.
The Inna Powa Program became my safe space and pushed me to dig deep into experiences from my past that were weighing me down. It was a lesson taught with support, guidance and by someone who genuinely cares. Throughout the process, Peter Williams gave me the tools to keep digging into whatever experiences from my life that bubble up to the surface.
The Inna Powa Program helped me to see a path forward towards a future that looks so very bright. It taught me to feel again, instead of fighting my emotions - to open up, to sit with them, to listen, instead of shoving them down and hiding them away. It taught me to see my value.
There was laughter, there were tears, there were moments of struggle, followed by so much growth that I don't have the words to explain it. If you get the opportunity to be a part of the Ina Powa Program, take it - do it for yourself.
-Â Amity Booth

I was in tears and in need of help when I reached out to Peter. He then told me he was starting the Inna Powa Program. Part of me knew I had to do this, so I jumped in despite being a call behind.
There were a lot more tears after that as I dug through various layers of limiting beliefs and memories that I was never able to see completely.
My perspective was changed by what Peter taught. I now have skills that I can use whenever something difficult comes up within. I can easily see it for what it is, then address it.
The space is genuine and safe. We share equally with love and respect, which is why everyone in the group was able to achieve so much progress by the end.
I have learned a lot about myself. Learned what I value, opened up my confidence and stepped into who I am more than anything else.
If you want to do this program, follow your heart to do it. Keep yourself open and trust the process as you will find that the growth at the end is worth it!
- Sam Heatley

I was lacking confidence, felt like I was failing at everything and depressed at the thought of doing the same thing forever. I was a just a shell of who I wanted to be and felt I had a bigger purpose but had no idea how to find it.
Then Peter's email appeared for the Inna Powa program and it resonated. I was excited, as well as nervous and scared - what if it didn't work...what if it DID! Even scarier!
The program was so much more than I can put into words; there was vulnerability, there was getting comfortable with the uncomfortable, there was laughter, tears and amazing AHA moments; just to name a few, and all in a safe and supportive space.
Thanks to Peter I have more confidence, I have a plan that I'm excited about. I see a light now - and its shining bright!
-Â Liz Swain
In just a few short weeks, we will be opening the doors to the Inna Powa Program, and if you have made it this far, then there is something calling you. Are you going to be the person who steps up to create something better for themselves rather than the person who will give the same old excuses? And if that's you, then I cannot wait to assist and work with you so you can gain the trust, belief, and clarity of your vision and feel your energy start to boom.
By joining the waitlist below, I'll give you all the details, including whether this program is right for you.
So consider how this can assist you in moving forward.
By making yourself a priority, you can finally see and know that you can
change your life and those of the people you will help.
▶ If you decide not to do this for yourself, what would your life look like?
▶ If you decide to connect and embrace your Inna Powa, what would your life
look like 6, 12, or even 24 months from now?