The Soul Surge
Jul 01, 2024
As I look back over the last 18 months, one thing that leaps out is the significant energy shifts that have transformed me on a soul level. This phase has been a rollercoaster of emotions, obstacles, and, eventually, progress, which I have dubbed "The Soul Surge".
So, as you read this blog post, I will walk you through my own experience, and the most important thing is that I encourage you to look for your own parallels. You might notice that you and I have had comparable experiences in terms of time. Or, if not so much parallel, you may discover that you are still in a particular phase of this energy, which is fine, but this may help to give you a little bit of hope and clarity once you have completed the phase that you are in.
It's been a very difficult 18 months for me, with a lot going on and hard for me to describe. In a prior podcast episode, I spoke about different types of energy (036: Three Phases Of Life Energy). And when I talk about the three stages of energy, you could be in the “push” phase, in “no man's land”, or you're in the “pull” phase.
The previous 18 months or so have been a no man's land for me. This "no man's land" period began while I was in North Queensland after an event in August 2022, you may have experienced something similar around the same time. After the event I went backstage and thanked the Universe and Spirit for the wonderful connections and night, as I do after every show, but it was also in that moment, while I was still very tuned in and connected, that I heard, in such a simple, plain, but firm tone, "you're done with this".
The only way I can describe it is that it felt as if someone behind me had just reached for my power cord and unplugged me. And I'll be honest, it scared me!
Imagine Donald Trump from The Apprentice, saying, "You're fired!" That's how it felt and I needed to take time to process this, but it left me with a lot of questions. Those questions lead to a lot of doubt. This is why I want to admit that it scared me, and why I want to share this with you because I believe that someone reading this needs to hear it and understand that it's alright to be like this. It's okay to go through this period. It's not fun. It's the furthest thing from fun. Plain and simple.
This then led to me wondering… if I'm no longer doing what I know, in terms of events, connections, channeling, and everything I've been doing for a long time, including the business I've built up over the past ten years. What am I meant to be doing???
The most significant thing that happened here was that I lost my vision. I did not have a north point on my compass. It was a true rarity for me. I'd always felt that I had that vision, and without it, I was lost, which is why I was in no man's land. However, it's funny that I didn't realise the full impact of this energy until over a year later!
I believe a part of me said, "Okay, I'll take that." Thank you for the message. I have no idea what this implies. And perhaps I'll just keep going, hoping that you'll show me the path, and give me my vision.
2023 was a very different year; it was the most self-reflective year I've ever had, but at the same time I accomplished a lot that year. It's like a blur. A lot was going on. I even told myself at the beginning of 2023 that I was going to say yes. It was a year of yesses for me.
Again, being open and honest, that probably also didn't help me. It did help me in some respects, but at the same time, I think it contributed to putting me in some precarious situations throughout the year.
Despite saying yes, I also cut back on things I had been doing because you have to make room or allow room for new things to emerge.
I went on a very spiritual journey, and wondered, what is it that I want to do? Where am I going? It makes sense that I said yes to everything because I knew new things were coming, but I had no idea where they were coming from.
It was a wishy-washy period of trying to keep things happening in both my personal and professional life, but at the same time, trying to connect or find myself with a vision.
So mid 2023, the energy really began to peak. And because I was simply carrying on with what I knew was working at this point, I want to say that for me, it felt like self-combustion. However, it seemed as if the universe was telling me that I still needed to make changes.
I wasn't actually paying close enough attention to the initial message. We have to do some legwork, we have to figure it out, but not only that, we also must experience it. You just have to have the courage and find your way through it. And 2023 was like that.
There were things that I had to go through. Along with the doubt, questions began to surface, and I started getting new ideas bubbling through, but at the same time, nothing was solid. It felt like there was no foundation. It felt like I had all of these beautiful floating pieces, but nothing to anchor them to. And so for the remainder of 2023, I was in invention mode. I recognised that restructuring was necessary. I knew things had to be rebuilt.
The energy was becoming heavy, and I was dealing with a lot of other issues to the point where I had to tell myself to stop. I need to stop and take a step back. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to see the forest for the trees. So I made one of the hardest decisions I could make. I decided to wind down my lovely, Inna Powa membership and group. And even though it was very hard, it was a massive decision on multiple levels, but I knew I had to trust my heart, I had to trust what's important for me. And once I took a step back, more new things started to emerge right away, more pieces of the puzzle.
There was this constant flow of ideas coming through. But the weirdest part is, that it made no difference how many times we attempted to implement various ideas. The energy was not there. The clarity was not there. There was no vision. There was no connection to it. I tried so hard to put these thoughts into practice, but they just wouldn't go where I needed them to.
But again, where did I want to go?
You may have found that the original idea you had, prior to the onset of 2023, was brimming with good ideas or strategies. However, as time progressed, they all got thrown out or you second-guessed yourself, overanalysed them, or tried to change them. It's only now in 2024 that you realise reverting back to your original idea is the best course of action.
Now this is where it gets really interesting.
The "Soul Surge" began this year, and there was a huge transformation. A major shift occurred in April 2024, at the time of the solar eclipse. This is when I personally experienced clarity. It was as if the fog began to clear.
You may still be in the fog, but it's okay because I can tell you right now it is clearing. And when it does, it will be a bright sunny day. You've just got to hang in there.
We are now moving into the space and the period where we are being called to step up and recalibrate our energy to go forward. Nothing in the past has been a waste. It has all been a beautiful building experience, so you can be ready to execute it and move forward at your full potential. This is it. This is the time. And this is that surge. This is why I call it "Soul surge".
“Because I got unplugged, there was only one place I was working in. And that place was my head. I was trying to figure out everything and solve all of my problems from this head space. And that is so not like me.”
How do I get plugged back in? As I'm having this conversation, listening to SBS chill for the first time in a long time, I'm thinking, "Ooh, I like this song." So I thought to myself I need to shazam that song before it finishes. But as the song played, I realised there was something I was missing and the word was SOUL. I need to come back to that. And as soon as I had that recognition, I needed to come back to the soul. I paused, tears in my eyes because, for the first time in 20 months, I felt like I was home.
For the first time in 20 months, I felt like myself again. That was a moment I'll never forget. And at that moment, I had this beautiful voice say to me, "What you have been doing is you've been trying to dial down. You're trying to get too specific on how you want to help people. Don't dial down, dial up."
It was as if a weight had just lifted. It's as if the fog had completely cleared because that made so much more sense. After all, I was trying to fit in and understand a different way of doing things that didn't work for me. I needed to work in my way. I needed to adapt and be myself. And I had forgotten that during the process.
So you may be wondering what the song on SBS Chill was... the title is "Feel." It hit me since it has a strong connection to the direction of my work. It was a sign if I ever saw one, wrapped up in one beautiful moment.
I am plugged back in.
So, no matter how you feel, please take the time to learn the lessons from me. Make sure you take the time to stand back and create some space for yourself so that the wonderful stuff may come through. It may not all make sense immediately. That is okay. But then when it does, you'll start to see it, and not just see it, remember, you've also gotta feel it. You need to embrace it. Listen and, work with it. If that clarity is not quite there for you yet. Please don't stress. It is coming as we move further and further into 2024.
I've been there with you, but hang in there. It's starting to lift and it's starting to clear. And I really look forward to that happening for you too.
For those interested in viewing the original Facebook live content on this topic, you can access the link provided here. The Soul Surge
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